Weston residents demand a People's Vote on the Brexit deal says Lib Dem PPC Patrick Keating

Weston residents have overwhelmingly shown their support for a People's Vote on the final Brexit deal, says Weston's Liberal Democrat Prospective Parliamentary Candidate, Patrick Keating.
At a street stall on Weston High Street this weekend, Weston residents were asked if they wanted politicians or the people to have the final say on the Brexit deal, with the vast majority of respondents saying that they want to have a vote on Theresa May's draft Brexit plan.
Patrick Keating said, "This week's events show that the government is in meltdown and the Tories have made a mess of Brexit. The residents have Weston have demonstrated that they want to have a say on the final Brexit deal. The Lib Dems are the only party demanding a People's Vote."
Weston's former MP, Lord Cotter, who also participated in the street stall said, "The Tory government - and our local MP John Penrose - are not listening to the public who are demanding a final vote on the Brexit deal. From day one the Liberal Democrats have been the only party committed to opposing this Brexit mess."
Recent polling by Best for Britain (www.bestforbritain.org) shows that more and more voters in Weston and the surrounding villages want to stay in the EU, with support for Brexit falling by 6 points.