North Somerset Council has issued an urgent please for landlords and owners of empty homes to come forward and help provide affordable rental properties for people across North Somerset who are in housing need. The council's housing team provides a free lettings service to landlords who can provide good quality, affordable private rented accommodation.

In return for a property that can be rented out, the team offers a wide range of free support including tenancy inspections for up to a year, advice on tenancy issues and good lettings practice, a health and safety check to make sure the property complies with rental regulations and an inventory checklist before a property is let.

The team is currently looking for affordable homes for 110 families and 148 single people who are in housing need.

Cllr Mike Bell, Liberal Democrat Deputy Leader of North Somerset Council and executive member with responsibility for housing, said: "Everyone has the right to live in a safe, good quality home and we're committed to tackling inequality across North Somerset.

"The housing crisis is hitting local people hard. House prices in our area are at a record high making home ownership unachievable for many and waiting lists for social housing are long, there simply isn't enough supply to meet demand.

"Local people depend heavily on the private rented sector. But with rents rising more sharply in the South West than in other parts of the UK it's becoming increasingly difficult for families to find affordable accommodation.

"Our lettings team offer a completely free service to help landlords find tenants, including health and safety assessments and advice on tenancy issues. They can also help landlords access grants and loans to improve energy efficiency.

"If you're a landlord or own an empty home, please get in touch with us. By coming forward you could help home people in housing need."

If you have a property you can make available to home local people, or if you want to find out more about the free lettings service, go to, email or call 01934 426 483.