Lib Dems launch budget ideas for North Somerset Council

Lib Dems launch budget ideas for North Somerset Council
Liberal Democrat Councillors on North Somerset Council have unveiled their budget proposals for the authority for 2016/2017.
The Conservative-run council currently faces a £4.6 million shortfall in its budget for next year, following a very tough financial settlement from the Government.
The final budget will be agreed in February and as part of the debate on how to find the additional funds needed to balance the books, Liberal Democrat opposition group Leader Councillor Mike Bell has released proposals from his team.
Councillor Bell says: "The Government grant settlement has been very tough, tougher than had been expected, and has left the council with a £4.6 million hole in the accounts.
"This is despite the council already having found £55 million in savings in recent years to keep costs down."
Savings from the Liberal Democrat proposals include:
* support for a 2% council tax rise or "care levy" to find adult social care services
* support for a further 1.75% council tax rise to fund existing services
* more than £200,000 in cuts to councillor allowances and to the pay of senior staff
* cutting the cost of agency staff and the use of consultants
* transferring smaller car parks to town and parish councils
* cutting the cost of North Somerset Life magazine
The money raised from these ideas would be invested in:
* eliminating the £4.6 million budget deficit, balancing the books
* reversing proposed cuts to school crossing patrols
* providing additional support for school-based mental health services
* a £1 million regeneration fund to support Weston town centre improvement works
* a cut in off-street car parking charges in Weston - including free parking after 6pm
* a £500,000 fund to support investment in Children's Centres as an invest-to-save measure
Councillor Bell added: "We've tried to put forward ideas that will help to improve North Somerset whilst recognising the need to balance the council's books.
"We do not suggest we've got a monopoly on good ideas, but I hope that the Conservative Executive will consider seriously our suggestions which are a positive attempt to tackle a very challenging situation."