Game FINALLY over for council’s tennis courts car park plan
FOLLOWING THREE YEARS campaigning by Hillside councillors Mark CANNIFORD and John CROCKFORD-HAWLEY North Somerset Council's Tory Executive finally gave up any attempt to turn Grove Park's dilapidated tennis courts into a car park. The Church, which owns an historic covenant on this former glebe land, had also refused to bow to political pressure.
The unpopular scheme was first proposed in May 2013, however has always been subject to approval from the Diocese of Bath and Wells because it holds a covenant over the Weston site.
Planning permission was granted in October 2013 for the conversion, but almost 18 months later, the council has accepted the diocese and parochial church council (PCC) will not allow the site to be used for anything other than sporting activity.
The council believed more spaces were needed to allow drivers to park closer to facilities and attractions at the north end of Weston, such as The Playhouse and Blakehay theatres.
Its apparent acceptance of the church's long-term stance will be widely welcomed among the community, after more than 250 people signed a petition to protect the tennis courts, which have significantly deteriorated in recent years.
Diocesan secretary Nick May said: "The Diocese of Bath and Wells have welcomed North Somerset Council working with Weston College to provide continued recreational use on all the existing tennis courts.
"A MUGA on part or all of the site would not require any amendment to the existing covenant."
Weston College Academy of Sport has now taken a long lease on the site. This first-class multi-surface pitch on which most contact sports will be possible comprises a 3G pitch of 40mm 'turf' overlaying a 10mm shock pad and will be useable in most weather conditions. Fence design, pitch colour and a decision to have no intrusive flood-lighting reflect the College's desire to be "sensitive to the surroundings and neighbours".
Pitches will be available for multi-sport community and youth group hire during evenings, weekends and holidays at "about £15 an hour". Mark and John thank the many hundreds of local people, young and old, who helped this campaign reach a successful conclusion. As they said "We must aim for a healthier life style and the provision of new recreational opportunities in the town centre is a move in the right direction".