Are you interested in working on party policy on nuclear weapons?
The Federal Policy Committee is searching for members with an interest and/or some relevant expertise in the issues around Trident and nuclear weapons to join a policy working group.
At Federal Conference in Bournemouth, Conference passed this amendment to the Trident motion:
1. Commission a Policy Working Group to develop policy on the future of Britain's nuclear deterrent, if any, following a full consultation within the party.
2. Include within the remit of the working group consideration of:
a) A full assessment of potential strategic threats to the UK.
b) Prospects for the promotion of nuclear non-proliferation and disarmament and the UK's potential role in these efforts.
c) The implications of a non-nuclear defence posture for the UK on conventional defence capabilities and the UK's place in the world, including its contribution to the security of Europe through NATO.
d) The scope for and implications of a scaled-down nuclear deterrent.
e) Independent costings of options.
3. Bring a policy paper back for debate at Conference within 18 months, including if necessary options for conference to decide.
The policy group will report to the Spring 2017 Conference. An email has gone out today from Christian Moon, Head of Policy for the party, asking:

We would also be grateful if you could refer members who you think would be interested or qualified to apply. The FPC would like to encourage new members, in particular, to take part.
Group members will be expected to attend regular meetings, which usually take place in London outside of working hours. We try to make dial in facilities available wherever possible.
The deadline for applications is 5.00 pm Thursday 26 November.